The Paradox of Choice 🤔

Freedom. A core tenet of United States culture. What embodies freedom more than individual choice? Following this logic, more choices = more freedom. Therefore, having more choices is always virtuous, right? The Paradox of Choice Barry Schwartz counters this reasoning in his book The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less. He argues that too much choice can have negative consequences. In particular it can have these effects: Decision Paralysis - We don’t feel confident we’ll make the best choice, so we don’t make any decision at all. [Read More]

Ali Abdaal inspired me to build a website 👨‍💻🌐

While I was on YouTube I came across a video by Ali Abdaal. This eventually lead to watching his video How To Build A Website in 2021. He makes really compelling points and inspired me to take the plunge. Over the years, I’d tell myself in passing “you should make a website”. But then it would never happen for a couple reasons. Firstly, I thought it would be too difficult. Turns out tooling has significantly improved over the years so now it’s easier than ever to generate the backing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. [Read More]