Open Source Notetaking with Joplin 📓

The last post pointed out how keeping a daily log can make a huge difference. Notetaking software can make this habit a lot easier. Joplin For my work logs I’ve been using Joplin for these reasons: You’re in control of the storage. This is important when critical business information may be stored in the notes. I’m using OneDrive. Open-source. Since this software is open-source, you don’t have the risk of it suddenly disappearing because a company was purchased or went out of business. [Read More]

This one simple habit accelerated my career 🗒️

I’ve now been working from home for 20 months. It’s been a learning experience, but overall I vastly prefer it to working in an office. Mark Seemann’s article on latency vs throughput was highly inflential in my approach. My big takeaway is the concept of oral culture vs written culture. My counter-move was to begin to write things down. When people would call a meeting, I’d ask for an agenda. [Read More]