The Simplest Gratitude Journal You'll Actually Use 🙏

Gratitude Invites Joy Into Our Lives Brené Brown, the author of The Gifts of Imperfection, says: The relationship between joy and gratitude was one of the important things I found in my research. I wasn’t expecting it. In my 12 years of research on 11,000 pieces of data, I did not interview one person who had described themselves as joyful, who also did not actively practice gratitude. A key part of this statement is that gratitude is an active practice. [Read More]

The Two Fundamental Habits ⚡

I’ve sometimes struggled with some pretty basic tasks. For instance, maybe I’ve run the dishwasher but didn’t put the dishes away until days later. This can lead to a vicious cycle of guilt. I intended to finish the task sooner, but feel bad because that didn’t happen 😔. Furthermore, I beat myself up for being unable to accomplish something so simple. And that can lead to demotivation which makes it more difficult to start other simple tasks. [Read More]

This one habit changed my life 📅

As a child, school provided a well defined schedule. Arrive at 7:30 AM. English class at 8 AM. History class at 9 AM. Math class at 10 AM, and so forth. The schedule provided structure but everything was mandated. You were told when and where to be and what you were studying. Sometimes the subject of the class was uninteresting. But you had to be there. It was an obligation. For subjects I did enjoy, there were times I would lose engagement because the pacing was too slow. [Read More]