The Best X is the One You Use 🏆

Bringing a Bike on a Trip One of my joys in life is riding a bicycle. Another joy is travel - especially road trips. Having a bike available when exploring a new place is fantastic. The two really go together like peanut butter and jelly. Drive the car to reach an exciting new place. Ride the bike to experience the details. I bought a bike rack for my car to enable this combination. [Read More]

The Simple Joy of a Bike Ride 🚴

The Bicycle Rite of Passage Learning to ride a bicycle is a rite of passage as a kid. At first, the focus is solely on honing the skill. Start with training wheels. Learn the motions of pedaling and steering. Figure out your balance. Finally, you overcome your fears of falling and the training wheels come off. Oh, that wonderful moment! A small demonstration of independence. Later on, I recognized the pragmatic benefits of the bike. [Read More]